Harriet Dyer credited as playing...
Emily Kass
- [Cecilia goes to see Emily for help]
- Cecilia Kass: Hey.
- Emily Kass: Hey.
- Cecilia Kass: Emily, I need to talk to you.
- Emily Kass: Well, at least now we have clarity. Now I know what you really think of me.
- Cecilia Kass: What?
- Emily Kass: Thanks so much for carving out the time to let me know how - quote, unquote - "suffocating" I am to you.
- Cecilia Kass: What? What are you...
- Emily Kass: Not that I should have to say this, but I never expected any of that money.
- [scoffs]
- Cecilia Kass: Emily, I-I don't... I don't know what you're talking about.
- Emily Kass: The e-mail - the e-mail you sent me this morning.
- Cecilia Kass: What e-mail?
- Emily Kass: If that's how you feel about me, don't ask me to bail you out of your personal life anymore. If you're too stupid to know who the good guys are and too weak to get away from the bad ones, don't sob to me for charity. I'm out.
- Cecilia Kass: I didn't send you the fucking e-mail. I didn't. Someone is-is-is doing this to me. He's-he's doing this to me.
- Emily Kass: Who's... Adrian?
- [pause]
- Emily Kass: Adrian sent me the e-mail. Okay.
- [pause]
- Emily Kass: You need some medication. Adrian is dead.
- Cecilia Kass: Em, please, no.
- [Emily closes and locks the door on Cecilia]
- Cecilia Kass: [Emily comes to visit Cecilia at James's house] This is not fair. I asked you not to come over. He knows where you live. He will follow you.
- Emily Kass: Yes, well, I have some news.
- Cecilia Kass: There is no news that justifies this. Okay I have a plan. And I just, I need you to go along with it, and just not being in control for one second.
- Emily Kass: I'm not trying to control you, boo. I'm desperately trying to tell you that you don't need to cut me off anymore. Because he's dead.
- Cecilia Kass: What?
- [after finding out Adrian died from an apparent suicide]
- Cecilia Kass: it just doesn't make any sense. He was in complete control of everything, you know? Including me. He controlled how I looked, and what I wore, and what I ate. And then it was controlling when I left the house, and what I said. And eventually, what I thought. And if he didn't like what he assumed I was thinking, he would...
- James Lanier: He'd what? He would hit you?
- Cecilia Kass: Amongst other things. He wanted to have a baby. And I knew that if we did that, that I would never be able to get away from him. So I took birth control without him knowing it. But, um, that can only go on for so long, so I called you.
- Emily Kass: Hey. You are here with us now. And you're safe. He's gone.
- Emily Kass: [after Cecilia's sister, Emily, arrives to pick up Cecilia] Cecilia, what is going on? Are you okay?
- Cecilia Kass: I'll explain later. Just go, Emily. Go.
- [suddenly Adrian's shows up and bangs on the car window]
- Adrian Griffin: Open the fucking door, Cecilia!
- Emily Kass: What is happening?
- Adrian Griffin: Open the door!
- [Adrian smashes the car window and Emily quickly drives off, then Adrian sees the bottle of Diazepam that Cecilia dropped]