A wild and wooly ride down the PROGRESS drain; the power dynamics within the Camden brand have shifted to the lads from the Midlands. I don't follow (potential) online promos but I hope the Bruiser & his Moustache Mountain buds rip it, proclaiming the superiority of their hardscrubbed people compared to the softies in the south. Is there a UK fed that has had a great regional battle storyline? Havoc's from Camden so the Ballroom are his people, and we'll see if that's the chase. Speaking of Jimmy, for those who complain about Mutoh overusing the 'Shining Wizard' in the mid 00's onward, my goodness is this guy a one-note wonder. Of all the ones I saw, only one looked great - after a couple of duck/go-behinds, the first against T Seven. Progress does whirl people into a frenzy, but I feel sullied after watching DQ's, ala E Guerrero, in one match and yet wrestlers beat-up refs later on and nothing happens. So Progress is 39 chapters in and has had 11 World champs. Ehhh - well, it's indie wrestling and people do get hurt, but it does cheapen their title. So how long prior to Haskins's actual relinquishing did he make the decision to stop competing? If he could win in September, and defend in October, only to 'leave it in the ring' on the 30th... why not maintain some integrity, ween off the melodrama, and book a show so that Dunne/Haskins happens so Haskins can do the right thing and lose the title in the same way he won it. Well, he was 'tabled out' for a long portion of that match, so it's not as if he was the worker in Brixton. You know what, maybe Haskins was real hurt then too... so why put the belt on him? Be Gershwin, and 'call the whole thing off. ' Dunne may be the only-ever double champ in Progress, but tonight was the night of BRO. 7 1/2 minutes of him and Ospreay was a burst of coke, and he was booked, and came off, very strong in the Main. N Newell as Bailey encapsulates my skeptical, but appreciative, take of this product. 6. 5 rounded down