When I saw this was Ink Master Grudge Match I fully expected this to be about tattooists from Ink Master who left early on a bad tattoo who probably left too early. A second chance so to speak. It's not.
I try and ignore the faux scripted drama on Ink Master (i actually store it then fast forward over the drama when I watch it). What I didn't expect was this show was based solely on the drama. Two contestants that hate one another go up against each other, why? what's the point?
The judges are absolutely hopeless and were questionable contestants in Ink Master, they certainly aren't good judges, they mostly sit and watch and make stupid remarks about the fake drama trying to amp it up.
None of the tattooists (I laugh when they get called tattooers, never hard that before..ha ha) aren't very good. No imagination, limited talent and spend most there time complaining to the canvasses. If I was a canvas I would walk out, who wants an angry tattooist inking you?
The worst part is the actual tattooing isn't the focus and they spend too little time showing them doing it and far too much time on the dramatics.
A wasted opportunity, it's a one, because they won't let me put a negative. Love tattoo shows but will be giving this a miss.