Well, first of all, let's just be honest, the movie's title is a bit tacky, isn't it? I mean, "COVID-21: Lethal Virus" is bound to offend one or two people out there, having lost loved ones to the current worldwide pandemic. And while I am not really one that is easily offended, I must admit that a different name for this movie would have been a better choice.
Regardless, I sat down to watch the 2021 movie "COVID-21: Lethal Virus", as it is a movie that I hadn't already seen. And I must admit that the movie's cover/poster definitely looked interesting. A zombie movie with such a title? Sure, why not.
And let's face it, this was just another as-generic-as-it-could-possibly be zombie outbreak movie. And it simply astounds me that not one, but a total of four writers could manage to collectively come up with something as generic and mundane as "COVID-21: Lethal Virus" turned out to be. So this was not an impressive feat from writers Nerea Bermúdez, Daniel Hernández Torrado, Carlos Sisí and Diego de la Concepción.
I will go as far as saying that "COVID-21: Lethal Virus" definitely wasn't among the worst of zombie movies that I have sat through. And believe you me, I have seen some dubious zombie movies in my time. Anything even remotely zombiesque, and it is something I will watch. "COVID-21: Lethal Virus" was just a downright mundane zombie movie, that offered absolutely nothing new to the zombie genre, well aside from trying to pass the infection on to the Covid virus, and changing it up to a 21 variant. Clever or tacky? That is a matter of personal preference, of course.
The acting in "COVID-21: Lethal Virus" was actually adequate, just a shame that the actors and actresses literally had next to nothing to work with in terms of a properly written and thoroughly thought through script and storyline.
With "COVID-21: Lethal Virus" being a zombie movie, of course you need to have some blood and visceral gore in the movie. "COVID-21: Lethal Virus" was sort of a lukewarm in between here; while it didn't really offer much of gore and mayhem for a seasoned gorehound such as myself, then I will say that the effects that were in the movie weren't actually all that bad. Sure, this wasn't grand special effects that will bedazzle you or knock you off your feet, don't get me wrong here.
Now, I watch a lot of zombie movies, and something that never really worked for me is the fast, agile and running zombies. That just doesn't sit well with me. Sure, I can understand why newly turned dead people would have more agility and flexibility than those long dead, but then why would the newly turned zombies in this movie have various stages of decay showing already? It just makes no sense. So no, running zombies is always a factor that weighs heavily against the overall enjoyment of a zombie movie for me.
While I managed to sit through the entire movie, I can't really claim that I was properly entertained. The movie was semi-watchable, for sure, but it just didn't cut it and ultimately slipped down a slippery slope. This is not a zombie movie that I would recommend you rush out to get your hands on, as it doesn't really got what is needed.
My rating of "COVID-21: Lethal Virus" lands on a mere three out of ten stars. It was just too generic and mundane.