3 reviews
I am proud to say my first review on is for this movie.
The backgrounds, backstory combined with the acting and script, I loved the all thing. As detailed as it can be, to understand the scenes you have to understand the cultural aspect of the charecters.
Looking back to the tv series where they started as a low budged mobile phone camera tv series. This is an excellent movie to combine everything together.
To say at least the movie is a very good movie a must watch if you ask me with the tv series.
As I conclude my review I just wanted to say "Allah'inizi severim sizin"
The backgrounds, backstory combined with the acting and script, I loved the all thing. As detailed as it can be, to understand the scenes you have to understand the cultural aspect of the charecters.
Looking back to the tv series where they started as a low budged mobile phone camera tv series. This is an excellent movie to combine everything together.
To say at least the movie is a very good movie a must watch if you ask me with the tv series.
As I conclude my review I just wanted to say "Allah'inizi severim sizin"
It met my expectations. I found the script, its operation, the story successful. Those who criticize this movie make comments as if they encourage crime, but I am sure they do not say the same thing for other crime-promoting movies and series that seem more cool, or even admire. Personally, I found it successful and high quality, it was worth it if we thought about what caused the conflict scenes to do so much.
This might not be global ,but this movie definitely speaks to its generation and depicts quite interesting overview on the actual turkish society (rap and immigration).
I think the characters are genuine enough even if some have flaws in their acting.
Overall the pace and the editing is very good and you cant get bored watching the movie if you dont mind action movies.
Beware of the violence though , this definitely needs the advisory label.