If you did not like a so called "Testosteron" which was more then boring to me... then you going to love "Lejdis". Its funny, little dramatic, and running like a river all the way down to the end. You just will not be able to catch one breath. The end is more then a master piece and so much different from all others of this kind. I am not going to tell you why it is so cool because probably that would ruin all the fun.
The movie is mostly about friendship of four womens each one has different personality but all of them are common in specific way... what it is? What connect them? You have to see on your own. But I can bet that you will not be disappointed. I do not want to talk much more about the movie because I want to leave all the joy of watching to you.
One more thing... if you are "chauvinist male" do not even try it cause you probably get stroke or heart attack.