- A Nutshell Review
- Actionfreunde.de
- German
- Blu-ray.com [Dr. Svet Atanasov]
- Blu-ray.com [Jeffrey Kauffman]
- Blu-rayDefinition.com - Blu-ray [Brandon A. DuHamel]
- CHUD.com [Troy Anderson]
- Cinemagazine [Barbara Plasmans]
- Dutch
- Dvdtoile.com
- French
- easternkicks.com [Andrew Heskins]
- eFilmCritic.com [Jay Seaver]
- Eye for Film [Lee Griffiths]
- f3a.net
- German
- Far East Films [Andrew Saroch]
- filmfuchs.de
- German
- Future Movies [Mike Barnard]
- HK Neo Reviews [Andrew Chan]
- JapanCinema.net
- Lunapark6
- Molodezhnaja
- German
- Movie Specials [Niels van Eijkelenburg] (DVD)
- Moviexclusive
- My Asian Movies [Jorge Soares]
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- Not Only Hollywood [Tom Kleppe]
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- Obscurendure [evlkeith]
- OutNow!
- German
- Passport Cinema [A.J. Hakari]
- ReelTalk [Adam Hakari]
- Rick's Cinema [Aníbal Santiago]
- Portuguese
- Sayang Wayang [Ezekiel Lee Zhiang Yang]
- The Digital Fix [Noel Megahey]
- The Spinning Image [Andrew Pragasam]
- Variety.com [Derek Elley]
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