An sequel that is just as good and kick ass as the original! I thought it was more violent and action packed this time around but not overly done because just like in the original it focused on suspense and scares and character development more than gore and torture which is very rare in slashers these days. I thought the acting was just as strong or even better than in the original with our strong, heroine female lead who I think is very sexy, Hollywood should recruit her! There is not one dull moment in this film and is more fast paced than the original but it also has a build up too and is twice as entertaining and thrilling but the things that kept me from giving it a full 5 star rating is that it kind of lost its slasher touch making it more like an action/thriller with an body count and was less scary. The last half was fantastic though and kept me on the edge of my seat and had me rooting for the lead to survive and the film leaves it open for a Cold Prey 3 and I can't wait! Overall this is the best slasher series I've seen since maybe Scream 1 and 2 because to me it's near perfection when it comes to slasher flicks and I highly recommend it for fans of the genre. More of a 4.5 out of 5 stars. SEE IT ASAP!!! AS WELL AS THE FIRST ONE IF YOU HAVEN'T YET!