How to Fix a Drug Scandal (2020-2020)
Amazing doc about the drug testing system, and the lengths the District Attorney and Attorney General's offices are willing to take to keep injustice contained and not investigated.
This shows the egregious faults and clear conflict of interest in the prosecutorial process by allowing their own prosecutors to determine what is, and what is not, relevant to the defense. They have a duty, a sworn and solemn responsibility, to turn over any exculpatory evidence in discovery to the defense. This doc clearly shows just how flawed that premise is at the cost of social justice and affection thousands of people.
A 4 part series everyone should be aware of. And it's just One of the many roadblocks to justice systemic in the judicial process. Don't even get me started on the for profit prison systems, the worst case of conflict of interest I can think of, or the fact that after serving out their complete sentences, felons are never free of the stain as they attempt to renter society in an endlessly uphill battle to find employment, gain housing, secure loans, or even reacquire their basic rights as citizens like their right to vote!
This whole system and the fact that over 60% of all inmates are for drug related offenses as a result of a 50 year old misguided drug policy which has clearly been demonstrated to be an utter failure. Punishing drug users with jail time and treating them as criminals instead of the addicts they are needing treatment, is a policy which completely fails to address the real problem and sadly has contributed to a US per capita incarnation rate higher than Any Other Country In The World! Is that really a #1 ranking we wish to have or can be proud of? I think not.