- In a mash-up of Star Wars and Man of La Mancha, when a Star Wars fan receives a blow to the head, he wakes with the belief that he is now a knight - a Jedi knight. Man of Tatooine follows the story of George who believes himself to be Luke Skywalker and of his friend Steve who tries to help George navigate the movie Star Wars in the real world.—Alan Sanborn
- The plot of "Man of Tatooine", spoilers included: George and Steve are old friends, Star Wars fans since childhood. When George invites Steve over to his parents house where he's house-sitting to watch the Star Wars trilogy, Steve shows up in a policeman's costume with shiny gold glasses, having just delivered a singing telegram while George in dressed in his old Luke Skywalker outfit from years past. Before they can start watching, George's older and tougher brother, James, shows up, demanding that they leave so he can watch wrestling with his even tougher pal Francis.
Francis arrives with his girlfriend, Amy, who he treats poorly. When James physically drags George and Steve off the couch, Francis hits George in the back of the head, making him dizzy. Humiliated, George insists he needs time alone and walks to the beach where, after gazing into the sunset, he passes out in the sand. When he wakes, he sees the sand and the outfit he's wearing and concludes that he is Luke Skywalker on Tatooine.
Steve, who's been driving all night looking for him, finds George and George, seeing his glinting gold glasses, concludes that Steve is actually the droid, C-3PO. He then sees some surfers starting a fire in a trash can and concludes that it is R2D2, who he rushes to rescue. Putting out the fire, he steals the trashcan and races to Steve's convertible car which they then use to escape the angry but baffled surfers.
Unsure of what to do to help George, Steve decides he must play along and BE C-3PO. Driving, the two launch into the first of a number of song parodies of the songs of "Man of La Mancha." Then, spotting a sleeping bum in an alley, George leaps from the car to recruit who he believes to be Obi-wan Kenobi. The bum, Larry, gives George a plastic light-saber and, with the promise that they are heading to a "space bar" he hops in the car with George driving and Steve forced to ride in the back with the trash can.
George and Larry enter "The Wine Hotel", only to be immediately tossed out. A van arrives, driven by Ron, a man who sells stolen electronics from the back of his vehicle. George immediately identifies Ron as Han Solo and his van as the Millennium Falcon while concluding that Ron's dog is Chewbacca. Still convinced that humoring George through the plot of the original Star Wars movie is the way to cure him, Steve convinces Larry to drive them all around in his van for awhile for cash. But Ron, who actually works selling hot goods for Francis, takes the van with all of them in it to the condominium building where both he and Francis live in separate units.
Ron instructs everyone to stay in the van but while he goes to make a payment to Francis, George leaves the van, believing they are now on the Death Star. Followed by Steve and Larry, George discovers Amy in the building's laundry room and immediately identifies her as Princess Leia. Amy is none too happy but when George sings a tender love song to her and Steve explains the situation, she agrees to accompany them to help George.
Unfortunately James is at Francis's place and spots the four of them, just after Ron does. Ron goes after them and James yells at them, leading George to conclude that James is Darth Vader. Hearing this, Larry decides to confront "Vader" and ends up struggling with James while the rest of them escape from the condo in Ron's van. Francis catches up with James and Larry and demands to know why Amy went with the others. When Larry stands up to him, Francis knocks Larry out in the parking garage.
Amy, Steve, and Ron are all bonding now as George sings of his mission and his love for Amy. Worried that George is going to end up "blowing up his condo", Ron takes them back to George's parents' house where Steve sets George up playing the old Star Wars video game, on which he now believes he is attacking the Death Star. Amy, putting her hair in buns, flirts with George but he is focused on his task.
Ron goes back to his condo to check on Larry and finds him beaten in the garage. He lets him clean up at his unit and then brings him back to George's parents' house where Larry serves as the voice of Obi-wan to help George "blow up the Death Star." When George succeeds, Larry heads to the Emergency Room while the others re-create the medal giving scene from the end of Star Wars. Steve then believes that if George goes to sleep, he'll wake up as George again but they are all interrupted by the arrival of James and Francis who is furious with everyone there. Francis slaps Amy and George dives on him, leading Francis to begin to mercilessly beat George.
James is holding Ron back but can only take so much of seeing his brother beaten. He grabs Francis and literally punches him out of the house. Francis collapses on the lawn where Larry arrives with a police officer and identifies Francis as his attacker. James backs up Larry's story and agrees to show them Francis's warehouse of stolen goods. So the officer handcuffs Francis and James and Larry accompany them to the police station.
George has been knocked out and when he awakens, he is George again, confused about why Steve, Ron, and Amy are all huddling around him. While Steve and Ron sadly conclude that "this is what we wanted", a heart-broken Amy tries to remind George that he was once Luke Skywalker. She gradually coaxes his memory back and everyone is pleased to see him regain his self-confidence as Luke again. George races out of the house to live the events of The Empire Strikes Back and the others happily follow, playing their respective roles, deciding that they will "get George back" after he lives through two more movies. Everyone follows George to a miniature golf course where he yells that he sees an "AT AT walker." Coming over the rise, the others see George, light-saber in hand, taking on a windmill.
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