No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle is like it's predecessor a fantastic game and an absolutely great time to be had.
Travis Touchdown is back after being gone for a long time and during that time had been knocked down the rankings by new assassins, most of which seeking revenge. The UAA, now a fully functioning business, is now holding exactly 51 ranks, and everyone wants in on being the best. After beating Mr. 51, Travis is told by Sylvia that if he can become #1 again then he will get the "five course meal" as oppose to just a taste like before. This of course gets Travis excited and willing to take the top rank once again. But shortly after the fight, his best friend Bishop is murdered by some street punks and this drives Travis to the desire for revenge. Sylvia then tells Travis that this murdering was the work of Jasper Batt Jr. Who is not only the CEO of Santa Destroy's leading corporation Pizza Batt but also the #1 ranked assassin. Travis then makes it his goal to take down Jasper, become #1 once again and avenge Bishop.
The gameplay is largely the same as the first game but has many improvements to set it apart. Ranking battles can now be taken on whenever your ready making it so nothing can break up the action of both the story and gameplay and they're still plenty of side missions and mini games to earn money from 99% of which interestingly made in the style of 8 bit which in a way also makes them more fun to play and master compared to the ones in the first game. No More Heroes 2 also see's the playable debut of Travis' apprentice Shinobu Jacobs and his twin brother Henry Cooldown. While both are playable for very short periods of time and may or may not be as fun to control as Travis, both are still very fun to be able to control and are a fine way to change things up.
No More Heroes 2 Desperate Struggle is absolutely non stop fun and a great game to enjoy for both it's story and gameplay. It's not all quite created perfectly and while a sudden difficulty spike during the final boss does bring the experience down a teeny bit, the game is still very solid and fun to play all the way through thanks to it's addictive gameplay, intriguing story, and not to mention it's kickass soundtrack.
All that's left to say is NUMBER 1, HERE I COME!!!!!!