Ok so i just saw the 1st episode and i loved it. First of all I love the diversity in the cast. The characters are so hilarious. I think this is gonna turn out to be a really good sitcom. Each character is unique that's what makes this drama great they all seem interesting in their own way. I hope this gets good ratings if it does than maybe we can get more kdramas with such diverse casts. I for one am a fan of all the main cast. As an aghase I am impressed with younjae, s acting he did really well and Minnie to nailed it even though this is the first drama she has acted in. Hyunmin also did great by the way I think his character is my favourite. Carson was amazing I loved her parts in the first episode. Sewan played her role so well. That guy u played hans was also good. I can't wait to see the other episodes. That Jamie is hiding something I can't wait to find out what it is. Ok so guys just go and watch it. I hope yall like it.