The voice actor for Adam Jenson, Elias Toufexis, is married to the voice actor for Megan Reed, Michelle Boback.
A few references to the film RoboCop (1987) are placed in the game as Easter eggs. A detective Alex Murphy can be found in Detroit Police station where his coworker asks him if he knows this science fiction movie from 1980s. In the film, Alex Murphy is hurt so badly during an attack and saved by his being changed into a cyborg which is what occurs to the game protagonist Adam Jensen. In various areas of the game, robots large and heavily armed like RoboCop's ED-209 robots can be seen.
In certain versions of the game, some of the 'Sarif' boxes have a QR code on them which can be read through applications on a player's iPod Touch/iPhone or Smart Phone. The Codes open up pages relative to the plot.
All in-game security cameras labeled "Big Bro" which is clear reference to novel 1984.
When Adam first returns to work at Sarif he is prompted to see Pritchard. If Adam goes to the ladies bathrooms before seeing Pritchard instead of the ladies room being empty (as the bathrooms always are in the game) two of the stalls will be occupied and the women will be talking to each other. When Pritchard is approached following this incident, it will be brought up in the conversation.