- 28 Days Later Analysis [Michael Allen]
- Awful Horror Movies [James Toomey]
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- Blogville [Martin Gobbin] -
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- Blood Brothers [Matt Reifschneider]
- Bloody Good Horror [Todd Rigney]
- Blueprint: Review [Dazz Camponi]
- BobaFett1138.blogspot.com [Frank Veenstra]
- Butt-kicking Babes [Rochus Wolff]
- German
- Canticle Cinema House
- CinematicAddiction.com [Jonathan S]
- Dread Central [Scott A Johnson]
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- Groarr.ch [Sarah Stutte]
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- Horror Movies &stuff [Mr. HoRrOr]
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- ScreenAnarchy [Matthew Lee]
- ScreenAnarchy [Niels Matthijs]
- Seat at the Back - Cinema Magazine [Mark Gordon Palmer]
- The Horror Club [The M'hael]
- The Onion A.V. Club [Noel Murray]
- UGO.com [Jeff Atencio]
- Upcomingdiscs.com [Gino Sassani]
- Werewolves On The Moon [Jarv]
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