One of the best series I've ever watched in respect of cinematography and performance is Lovestruck in the City.
Actually, I started watching it just for its marvelous and magnificent cinematography but then I was intrigued by its different story, lovely plot, majestic sceneries, sunny beaches, good character development, glamorous songs (especially the one from 'BeetleJuice'), fascinating patterns of cloths and finally phenomenal performance of the lead male role, Ji Chang-wook. I've never watched his dramas before because I didn't find him impressive and he seemed so shallow to me. But after watching this series my idea changed dramatically. At times, I feel that he is not merely playing his role but rather living it really. I don't know if it's in his nature to be like this or he really had some feelings for his co-star; either way, the chemistry that he showed was the one we hardly ever observe in Kdramas. During the whole series he seemed as if he was feeling the joy, despair and frustration of his character in actuality- for eg. Ep04, 08 & 13. I am stunned by his impeccable and intense portrayal of a noble man in love.
Although Kim Ji-won did not share the same chemistry as she did in 'Descendants of the Sun (2016)' with her co-star, yet I quite like the way she performed her daring role, especially in sad, angry and serious scenes. I didn't get the same love from her that I got from Ji Chang-wook. However, if she wasn't the main female role, I wouldn't watch this drama for anyone else. It seems among all those who have co-stared Ji Chang-wook so far, she is the most perfect match; because she made him perform remarkably.
Apart from few scenes of nudity in ep02 which I don't endorse, I recommend the rest of the drama to anyone.