Tara Haggiag credited as playing...
- Geneva: [looks at cell phone in discotheque] It's Simon!
- [Angelica comes over]
- Angelica: Wow!
- Geneva: Yeah, really.
- [goes to tend to her phone]
- Tommy: Man, that guy calls a lot, huh.
- Jameela: Jealous?
- Tommy: No.
- Angelica: Oh, please, Tommy, we all know you're still crazy about her.
- Rasheed: [jumps in] What's the word? Whipped.
- [laughter]
- Tommy: Screw you guys!
- [goes through crowd to walk away; dances with Angelica]
- Paul: What, your hand broken?
- Angelica: Yes, all broken. Oh!
- [buries head on Paul's shoulder and clasps her hands on his shoulder and arm joint]
- Clarissa: Hey, guys.
- Tommy: Hey. Hey.
- Clarissa: Look what I bought.
- Geneva: Clarissa, did you know that we were gonna go camping in scary mountains?
- Clarissa: Um, yeah.
- Geneva: Great - great. I consider all you guys traitors.
- Tommy: Hey, let me see that.
- [referring to camera]
- Clarissa: I bought it for 25 Euro. It's worth at least 200.
- Tommy: No kidding?
- Rasheed: Man, that's old.
- Tommy: Hey, take a picture of me and Geneva. Come on, Baby - give me a kiss...
- Geneva: [pushes him away] No, not with YOU! Get off!
- Clarissa: Ready, Geneva?
- Geneva: Yeah.
- Clarissa: Smile.
- [she gets into a glamorous pose]
- Tommy: That pose was really gross. Come on, Jameela.
- Jameela: Get out of my face!
- Geneva: Thanks, Hon.
- Paul: Just leave it.
- Rasheed: Well, my turn then. Ready, all set, take a picture.
- Geneva: That's it for now, babe.
- [looks at picture]
- Geneva: It's kinda strange.
- Clarissa: Sorry, too late.