Somebody at Hallmark has forgotten that cinematography is a form of VISUAL Art in MOTION. The ACTION is supposed to provide real drama and offer the actors the canvas on which to create and project, with expressions and body language, emotions and feelings. When uninspired script writers, directors, and actors are unable to deliver the above, we get these shows with little meaningful action, filled with lengthy dialogs, where the characters tell the viewers what they are expected to believe, perceive, and absorb. Just because they could never get that otherwise. So, families and friends seem to have nothing better to think about, than spending time convincing the main characters they are great and made for each other, while, in reality, they come out as, more or less good looking, empty shells, with no clear merits or endearing qualities that could inspire respect, let alone love. And this, when they are not totally unlikable! In this specific movie, Mackenzie, hammed up by Jen Lilley, is a superficial, inconsiderate, self-centered young woman who creates her own silly dramas by mistreating friends and rushing to judgement. There is no chemistry with Dylan and God knows what reasons he should have to like her at all! Of course, we are supposed to believe it possible, because everybody else in the move tell us so. Absolutely nothing in the movie explain the predictable few-minutes ending.
Last year, Hallmark begun the winter season with a cute production, "Taking a shot at love", which was followed by an entire year of mostly vapid, very forgettable shows. This year they are off with a miserable start. I dread to think at what will follow. Hallmark has taken the road to B,C, an D movies, as in Boring, Cliche', and Disappointing or Dumb. Mass production means messy quality.