ONYX THE FORTUITOUS AND THE TALISMAN OF SOULS is the miraculous brainchild of Writer-Director-Actor Andrew Bowser, who plays the title character. Considering the budget, this is very well made. Though it does drag somewhat in spots, it"s mostly hilarious, with Bowser's Onyx responsible for the lion's share of the laughs.
If you enjoy occult films with a sense of humor, then you should love this. Though we don't get the longed-for reunion of Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton sharing scenes together, at least they're in the same movie, though Ms. Crampton gets precious little screen time. Mr. Combs, on the other hand, is fantastic as the diabolical Bartok The Great!
In fact, everyone is good in their roles, and the practical effects add the perfect nostalgic touch.
A silly-on-purpose romp through the devil's domain...