100 Questions? I have but one...why? Are the networks so desperate that they have to put on crap like this? Okay, I guess that's two questions. This show is a formulaic Friends rip-off that is Obviously NBC's effort to recapture their glory days. The acting is stiff and stale. The characters are retreads of every sitcom twenty-something ever devised. Let me breaking down like this: Jill (the vapid blond)= Phoebe from Friends or Chrissy from Three's company; Leslie (materialistic, spoiled chick)=Friend's Rachel; Wayne (ladies man)=Joey; Mike (nervous, unlucky at love professional)=Chandler/Ross amalgam; Charlotte (level headed brunette)=Monica. The rip off characters are acted so poorly that I had a hard time sitting through this show. I figured I would give it a chance and try it again. My 12 year old watched it with me and literally asked the question, "Is this supposed to be Friends?"