The fictional town of Brammbach, East Germany, in which Heidemann found the pieces of Hitler's aircraft and where suppose to be the Hitler Diaries from, is replacing the real-life town Boernersdorf, in which the actual crash took place and lead to the rumor about the Hitler diaries finding places.
Based on the ten-part-podcast of the same name, released by "Stern" magazine in 2019 and hosted by journalist Malte Herwig. It involved various unreleased tapes with interviews between Konrad Kujau and Gerd Heidemann.
During Gerd Heidemann's 50th birthday on board of "Carin II" the party band is playing "La Paloma". This song was also played by a band in an identical scene (also on board of "Carin II") in Schtonk (1992), another retelling of the same events around the Hitler diaries hoax.