This is the comedic story of Jordon Saffron, the big time, big ego chef of Hollywood who uses his secret ingredient Saffron, to 'make woman orgasm' over his food. But soon, his big ego, too ... Read allThis is the comedic story of Jordon Saffron, the big time, big ego chef of Hollywood who uses his secret ingredient Saffron, to 'make woman orgasm' over his food. But soon, his big ego, too much partying and not enough cooking means Saffron loses it all, his girlfriend Nikki his ... Read allThis is the comedic story of Jordon Saffron, the big time, big ego chef of Hollywood who uses his secret ingredient Saffron, to 'make woman orgasm' over his food. But soon, his big ego, too much partying and not enough cooking means Saffron loses it all, his girlfriend Nikki his restaurant, TV show and business partner Louie and mysteriously his ability to taste his f... Read all