Initially when I sat down to watch this 2021 thriller titled "Party from Hell", from writer John Burd and director Jared Cohn, I must admit that I wasn't really harboring much of any expectations. Sure, I hadn't heard about the movie prior to watching it, but there was just something that felt generic about the movie's synopsis.
However, as this was a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I opted to sit down and give "Party from Hell" a fair chance.
While the movie was sort of watchable enough, the storyline and script from writer John Burd was just tremendously generic, even for a thriller. I mean, you just could foresee what would happen a mile away.
And it is also one of those movies where the psychotic individual just is capable of doing things that makes little sense as to why she would do it, how she would know where and when to be at the exact right moment, and it felt like it was something that would just require a lot of preliminary planning well ahead of executing the plan. But hey, it was meant for entertainment, so common sense was right out of the window.
The acting performances in "Party from Hell" were adequate enough. I was only familiar with Eric Roberts on the cast list, and thankfully he was only there in a minor support role. As for the rest of the cast, I was not familiar with them, but they actually performed well enough to make an otherwise generic and predictable script stay afloat for 90 minutes.
If you enjoy thrillers, then there are far better choices readily available out there in comparison to director Jared Cohn's 2021 "Party from Hell".
My rating of "Party from Hell" lands on a generous four out of ten stars.