This isn't a bad mini series, in fact its a great snapshot into the lives of an aging married couple who experience their ups and downs nestled in the relative quiet of middle class suburbia. However...
Cracks do appear in this show. The dialogue is stilted and unrealistic at times. Whilst clearly intentional to showcase the awkward staleness of being around people or relatives you've nothing to say to, the times when the dialogue *should* flow, it still doesn't.
Additionally, the show also lacks emotional and situational closure. Particularly the moments with the family talking about sensitive past events between each other, the scenes felt undercooked and lacking in payoff. The times multiple times when the show needed another 2 minutes to properly round out a dialogue/plot point never came.
For a drama that is clearly supposed to be a slow burning thinker, the overall through line of what the show is about is never brought to fruition. Theres much social commentary to pick at here and there, but all we ever get is scraps. It left me longing for a more meaty look at one or two issues raised by the plot in more depth; but sadly they never came.
The show is worth watching, but it had more potential than it ends up delivering. The two leads, Sean Bean and Nicola Walker need to take a bow as they are fantastic throughout.
P. S - This has the most annoying credits theme tune I've ever heard.