A couple of the reviews given here (don't know if they are male or female...and I really don't care) appear to have come from people who just love to wallow in grumpiness, and just whine on like trolls! How this series is not up to scratch because the democrats, and Obama, spoiled N. A. S. A. is quite frankly stupefying (What The Frack has politics got to do with how a space documentary is made and presented?)
Anyway let me digress no more! This is a top notch piece of informative, highly entertaining, very interesting and visually stunning exposure of life as an astronaut! Yes there are a couple of segments that could have done without the tension effect drama silliness (totally unnecessary because had anything gone wrong, we would not have seen it). But hey! Its a Disney presentation and they are always going to give you the essence of drama tension; that goes along with their splashing of Fantasia!
As someone who will never be wealthy enough to buy a seat to space (even though I would be more than ready to go on the first, never coming home crew that will go to Mars) this was a chance to get as close as it is; until an amazing virtual reality program can be made. You could feel the real friendship of the American and Russian crews of the ISS and, at the same time, feel a great sadness at the murder, and barbaric events, being done back on Earth by that lunatic Russian President, Vladimir Putin!
Well worth putting some of your spare time aside to watch this 6 part mini TV series!