We didn't expect much from this comedy cum drama cum fantasy cum children's movie... but somehow it paid off! Perhaps our joy in it came from reveling in another culture's traditions or avoiding the sappy dialogue and voices by listening to it in its native Polish and reading the subtitles? (Aside: We did that for Megan Markle's banal narration of Disney's nature documentaries and it made them actually watchable - French audio, English subtitles.) Whoever wrote those subtitles really knew how to make them meaningful and funny - even just the "Ho ho ho" while the audio only had "Ho ho" was a cute one.
Even in English though, I imagine this still was a good movie. The casting was terrific, the pacing was perfect, the sets were cut down but well done, and there was just enough holiday cheer. No overblown FX here or celebrity casting for no reason whatsoever. The little side gags were really well timed and without any of that excess acting/dialogue/stupidity that often ruins them in these Netflix/Hallmark Christmas tropes. And, for the main plot itself, well, there's not much too it and it is definitely not what the tag says it is ("overworked elf..." ah, no), but it still works in an odd sort of way.
Overall, this was a tough review to write as it's a very tough movie to describe... but we loved it! Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia!