I watched a couple of these and this just isn't that interesting tbh there aren't the characters like jesse or glenn or eric here. It seems very contrived franchising so this production company can keep going with it as a rice bowl sort of thing. I don't think this will come back either.
It's very strange that the BBC is actually behind these shows and that they didn't start with a similar format in canada as the top level of this series. Meaning everybody is largely in villages and near settlements and even cities like Fairbanks and they roam a few months or are guides like Eric etc Maybe are somehow independently wealthy like Andy from DC with his own village of buildings on the Yukon etc Canada is huge there are folks that have lives up there more interesting surely.
Surely Yellowknife has stuff like this or Hudson Bay area, the Slave Lakes up there, the remote islands or near there in extreme northern Canada but nope we never get any of that this is just typical yukon which we've seen enough of with the other LBZ shows and others. Temperate sea side would be more interesting than snowy plains imo and lots of that up there. From what I remember you have a lot of kids up there just surviving meaning there's no guides or etc
It's actually just go out get your stuff done in 2 hours you're good to hang out all day, this is easier than a 10hr office job or worse distro center where you're almost prodded and timed all day. Imagine one moose hunt takes 2-3 days some ammo and effort for another 2 days and you have meat for 6 months+. Now go to the store buy 1500 pounds of meat see how much and how long you'd have to work to get that, and FDA labeled organic to boot. Sheesh.