Early Tony Jaa martial arts madness that rewardingly feels like an especially bizarre, Joseph Lai 80s cut n' paste chopsocky freak out! This one genuinely caught me totally unawares; a deliciously unconventional Thai fight flick with a palpably hallucinatory strangeness. Hard Gun's generosity of enjoyably clunky Gunfu, acrobatic, old school kung fu, and profoundly eccentric slapstick comedy interludes should prove maddeningly irresistible to Kung fools of all ages!!!!
Director, Prapon Petchinn's hilariously hyperactive, marvellously madcap martial arts oddity bemusingly delivers a boisterous bonanza of wholly unpredictable action cinema, perhaps, a rarefied genre unto itself, the kooky, 'Hard Gun' is truly astonishing in esoteric ways the director may not have strictly intended it to be! So ungovernably silly, galvanized by such an excess of brazen incongruity you simply cannot help but be dizzyingly swept up in this mind-tweaking squall of B-Movie insanity, and, sweet jumping Jehoshaphat!!! The faux Joe Satriani/Kraftwerk score is manifestly no less incongruous than one of the anxious cop's inexplicable need to liberally douse his boatrace in talcum powder before a shoot-out!!?? Far from half cocked, Bad movie aficionados really NEED to draw a bead on, 'Hard Gun'.