I spotted this one somewhere so I gave it a chance, and I've seen the three episodes that have aired so far. It's not great, and a lot of the jokes are a bit clichéd and fall flat, but they do get a smile or a laugh often enough that there are *much* worse things, like, oh, -Everybody Loves Raymond-, to spend your time watching. It'll be interesting to see if the writers work their way up or down with the quality. ATM, there's about a good joke every 5 mins, while the intervening stuff is mildly entertaining distraction. You can certainly watch this show in the background while doing something else more significant.
The best conceptual comparison to the show is probably the classic -Get Smart-, only focused more on '99' than Max. It has four "competent" characters('99' + three quirky ones), and two comic-relief bumblers. Some of the humor comes from the quirks of the three, some from the two bumblers, and some from other situations involving the villains... the '99' character is often a straight man for the humor, and that works fine.
Whatever you do, don't go in expecting the vaguest sort of realism -- note even the level you see in -Burn Notice- or -Chuck-. As was "Get Smart", this is lightly absurdist farce.
Watch the first episode (or any episode, if you want, they don't really need to be watched in order) -- If it makes you smile -occasionally-, then give it a chance. If it doesn't, then it's a safe bet it's not your cup of tea.