Tom Hollander credited as playing...
Jim Beach
- John Reid: [Introducing Jim Beach to Ray Foster] And here's the bands lawyer Jim Beach.
- Jim Beach: Hello.
- Freddie Mercury: You MUST stop calling him that.
- John Reid: That's his name.
- Freddie Mercury: No, we can NOT keep calling him Jim Beach. Now that's absurd, not to mention unspeakably boring.
- [thinks]
- Freddie Mercury: Miami! From now on I dub thee MIAMI Beach!
- [from trailer]
- Ray Foster: Mark these words: NO ONE will play Queen.
- Jim Beach: Fortune favors the bold.
- [the reunion meeting starts off tense]
- Jim Beach: If anyone wants any tea, coffee, bladed weapons, just... just ask.
- Freddie Mercury: There was this Africa concert... that wants Queen to play. I-Is that... is that still...
- Jim Beach: You mean Live Aid? They've announced all the bands, Freddie. It's too late.
- Freddie Mercury: I need... I need to reconnect with the mothership.
- Jim Beach: Freddie, they don't want anything to do with you. They're still very upset.
- Freddie Mercury: Maybe i-if you ask them... they would meet me. Tell them I want to talk. Just talk. We're family. You know, family... have fights, all the time.
- Jim Beach: I can call.