The story is based on a real story of the residents of the island of Miyakejima, which erupted in 2000 and had to be evacuated. A family, Matsuo, Takako, Matsuo's mother Fusako, and Matsuo ... Read allThe story is based on a real story of the residents of the island of Miyakejima, which erupted in 2000 and had to be evacuated. A family, Matsuo, Takako, Matsuo's mother Fusako, and Matsuo and Takako's young son Shin live on the island of Miyakejima, 200 km south of Tokyo. Toget... Read allThe story is based on a real story of the residents of the island of Miyakejima, which erupted in 2000 and had to be evacuated. A family, Matsuo, Takako, Matsuo's mother Fusako, and Matsuo and Takako's young son Shin live on the island of Miyakejima, 200 km south of Tokyo. Together, they run a small bed and breakfast for tourists and have two pet golden retrievers, H... Read all