This series gives an insight into a little explored era - the French occupation, the tug of self preservation, the desire to fight the oppression of the Nazis and the development of the haute couture designers whose brands eventually came to dominate our lives for the next 70 years. I have found it riveting. Yes, it is flawed, mainly I feel because it is covering complex pressures and it is impossible to do more than scratch the surface. The series, if one can stop being critical of superficial accents for one minute, forces one to think about what that occupation did (and the parallels we must recognise today in Ukraine). This series draws you through the rich tapestry of life, emotion, selfishness, greed, heroism, sacrifice, love, homosexuality and mostly addresses for me the very "Frenchness" of all these - yes yes, only touched upon. But sufficient for this staid Brit to want to know more. I really can't cope with the continual criticism of accents (in case you hadn't guessed). Non Europeans (especially Americans) find it difficult to face sub titles and foreign languages, and so the film makers have to compromise and decided it should all be in English, but they also have to remind viewers that this is set in a foreign country hence the attempt at accents. I think this was carried out in an inoffensive way and the plus side is that they necessarily widened their audience to those who really should watch this topic and be inspired to learn more. Although a bit disjointed - Paris and Europe was disjointed at the time - people had to make split second decisions or lose their life or livelihood. So we are treated to the roller coaster that it was - and I think that the production is well paced considering all that they had to cover by nuance and by dwelling on the points sometimes for what seems like an age. I particularly applaud the treatment of the gradual awareness of the retreat of the Nazis, the pursuit of collaborators, the depiction of Ravensbruck, the return of the few and the pressure of relatives to seek out their loved ones. I loved John Malkovich as Lelong as well as the other main and supporting characters. I forgive all the mangled French accents. I now want to know more which is what a good series should want to achieve.