@freaks, watched this today, in famous single screen theater of Pune, Alka Talkies.
each character justifies their existence in this movie.even the mad woman. now i know why Mitali Jagtap Varadkar was so praised in recent days.and still is! Simple story line, complicated situations. probably was shot in Vidarbha side of MH, guessing from the language and cotton ginning factories. the boy makes you laugh and cry at the same time.innocence at its best! connection between the opening and closing sequence is amazing.intense.
@non Marathi speakers, i don't know how much of it will b liked by you. because language here, i think, plays important role. as in, the Lang spoken in the movie is not at all pure Marathi. it s all rural . and one of mood-lift-up factor is their way of speaking it . so speaking pure Marathi and listening to Rural Marathi, has its own advantages. we get to laugh even at the silliest change of words from pure to non-pure.and as they say, sometimes, beauty is lost in translation!
but as a story, its sweet, sentimental story of mother-father-son- education-ancestral job .and can be enjoyed by each one of you. and if you do watch it.please let me know how do you think it s! :)
will agree with the Pune mirror ratings. 4/5