Jennifer Hale credited as playing...
Commander Shepard - Female • Mysterious Figure - Female • Shepard VI
- [Ashley is lying on the floor, hungover]
- Commander Shepard - Female: What have we here?
- Ashley Williams: Ma'am. I'm off duty. Your voice. Ma'am. Not... so... loud, please thank you.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Why are you curled up on the floor?
- Ashley Williams: Am I? My head... so heavy. Can't move.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Ah. Enjoy your evening?
- Ashley Williams: I'll be back in 30... Maybe 40, I swear. Just... give me 45 minutes. Shh.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Is it time to test out the fire alarms? You know, I think it is.
- Ashley Williams: I'll pay you a million credits not to do that, ma'am.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Two million, and we have a deal.
- Ashley Williams: You're a damn space pirate.
- Commander Shepard - Female: I could order Joker to sing to you over the comm.
- Ashley Williams: I hate you.
- Commander Shepard - Female: "I hate you...?"
- Ashley Williams: Ma'am.
- Commander Shepard - Female: You planning to stick around when this is over?
- Mordin Solus: Until Reapers dealt with, at least. Then... not sure. Have made impact on galaxy. Genophage modification, Genophage cure, work against Collectors... Decisions, mistakes. Might go somewhere sunny. Sit on beach, look at ocean, collect seashells.
- Commander Shepard - Female: You'd go crazy inside an hour.
- Mordin Solus: Might run tests on the seashells.
- Reaper: Shepard...
- Commander Shepard - Female: You know who I am?
- Reaper: Harbinger speaks of you. You resist, but you will fail. The cycle must continue.
- Commander Shepard - Female: What are you talking about? We stopped Sovereign and the Geth. We stopped Harbinger and the Collectors. We've earned a straight answer!
- Reaper: It is not a thing you can comprehend.
- Commander Shepard - Female: We might surprise you.
- Reaper: You represent chaos, we represent order. Every organic civilization must be harvested in order to bring order to the chaos. It is inevitable. Without our intervention, organics are doomed. We are your salvation.
- Commander Shepard - Female: You're killing everyone in the galaxy in order to save us?
- Reaper: The cycle must continue. There is no alternative.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Organics and synthetics don't have to destroy each other!
- Reaper: The Battle for Rannoch disproves your assertion. Finish your war - we will be waiting.
- [shuts down and dies]
- Admiral David Anderson: Shepard... damned if you aren't a sight for sore eyes.
- Commander Shepard - Female: It's good to see you too, sir.
- Admiral David Anderson: Sir? I may have reinstated you, but that doesn't give you permission to go all formal on me.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Then I'm glad you managed to keep your ass alive, Anderson.
- Admiral David Anderson: That's more like it!
- Commander Shepard - Female: What's on your mind, EDI?
- EDI: The destruction of the Reaper on Tuchanka. It is rare for a technologically superior force to be destroyed by such an inferior one.
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: Great, so now all we need is a gun that fires Thresher Maws.
- EDI: [doesn't react at all]
- Commander Shepard - Female: ...that was a joke.
- EDI: I'm sorry, Shepard. I was contemplating.
- Urdnot Wrex: Hell of a showdown back there on Sur'Kesh. Just like the old days, right down to me pulling your ass out of the fire.
- Commander Shepard - Female: I was the one with bullets flying at me!
- Urdnot Wrex: And I gave you the moral support to dodge them.
- Commander Shepard clone - Female: Now, if you'll excuse me, the Normandy needs its captain. So... I should go.
- Maya Brooks - Citadel DLC: Farewell, Commander. I guess this is where "legends" go to die.
- Urdnot Wrex: Refresh my memory: Didn't we used to win these things back in the old days?
- Commander Shepard - Female: She said, "I should go." Do I sound like that?
- Urdnot Wrex: As long as I've known you, yeah.
- Tali'Zorah vas Normandy: Shouldn't we be worrying about the impenetrable vault we've been sealed inside forever?
- Commander Shepard - Female: How come nobody told me this before? I'm open to feedback here.
- Urdnot Wrex: Well, I thought all humans said it, like some weird Earth custom or something.
- Kaidan Alenko: Hey, Shepard, I'm starving. What do you got?
- Commander Shepard - Female: We're heading out, Kaidan.
- Kaidan Alenko: We'll just end up back here anyway, am I right?
- [Kisses her]
- Kaidan Alenko: Trust me, let me impress you.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Oh no, really?
- Kaidan Alenko: Come on!
- Commander Shepard - Female: You want me to sit there and watch you cook?
- Kaidan Alenko: You're not watching me cook, you're helping me drink beer. Now sit your ass down.
- Commander Shepard - Female: How have you been getting along with Eve?
- Padok Wiks: She tried to kill me at first. Krogans don't react well to salarians doing medical tests on them. Once that was cleared up, we've formed something of a cross-species relational bond.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Hm - you mean, you're friends now?
- Padok Wiks: It's more of an agreement not to kill each other.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Back on Sur'Kesh, it looked like the female Krogan could hold her own.
- Urdnot Wrex: Our females don't lack for spirit. For males, a good show of force usually sorts things out. But women like to talk about it... then, think about it...
- [sighs]
- Urdnot Wrex: then talk about it some more... no offence.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Believe it or not, we sometimes have good ideas, Wrex. You should try listening.
- Urdnot Wrex: Yeah, but our women have so many of them... so sometimes I pretend to listen, and... well, let's just say Krogan females have tempers too.
- [Commander Shepard finds her hamster in a trash can with a note attached to the cage]
- Commander Shepard - Female: [reading the note] Please send this to an animal shelter for proper disposal as a warship is not an appropriate...
- [stops reading]
- Commander Shepard - Female: Oh ho ho, that is *not* okay. She messed with my hamster, guys. *Now* its personal!
- Kaidan Alenko: You like to cook, Shepard?
- Commander Shepard - Female: Roommate on Arcturus taught me. He said eating cafeteria crap 24-7 was bad for morale.
- Kaidan Alenko: Is there anything you're bad at?
- Commander Shepard - Female: Where did you learn to cook?
- Kaidan Alenko: Classes at Jump Zero, believe it or not. Young biotics who can't cook for themselves risk starving.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Did you pass? You're burning the garlic.
- Kaidan Alenko: Sorry. I guess I'm distracted.
- Commander Shepard - Female: By?
- Kaidan Alenko: I wonder...
- Urdnot Wrex: Ever since we cured the genophage, it's been nothing but work.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Council been riding you?
- Urdnot Wrex: Bah! Not those pyjak shit-slingers. No, it's the... it's the females, Shepard. Now that they're fertile again... Ugh, I haven't slept in... I don't know how long.
- Bartender: Can I get you two anything?
- Urdnot Wrex: Two more drinks, and another bag of ice.
- Commander Shepard - Female: I would've thought you'd be enjoying the... perks of krogan fertility.
- Urdnot Wrex: Enjoying it? There's a line of females outside my dwelling right now! Stretches on as far as you can see. I had to sneak out my own bathroom window!
- Commander Shepard - Female: Wrex...
- Urdnot Wrex: Shepard.
- Commander Shepard - Female: [Wrex punches a Citadel guard out of his way] Commander Shepard: What are you doing?
- Urdnot Wrex: I know what you did.
- Dalatrass Linron: [Wrex plays an intercepted communication between Dalatrass Linron and Commander Shepard] We can provide you our very best scientist to build the crucible... and the full support of our fleets.
- Commander Shepard - Female: If I sabotage the cure.
- Dalatrass Linron: Think about it, Commander. The choice is yours.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Where did you get that?
- Urdnot Wrex: Mordin wasn't my only source in STG.
- Urdnot Wrex: Or did you think I was as dumb as my brother Wreav?
- Urdnot Wrex: What have you done?
- Commander Shepard - Female: [Evil Option Selected] The other krogan aren't like you Wrex. They live for war. I couldn't take that chance.
- Urdnot Wrex: It's war you're worried about? Well it starts right now!
- Urdnot Wrex: And before you die I want you to know I'm calling off our support for Earth! If my people go exctinct, so do yours!
- Commander Shepard - Female: It doesn't have to be this way, Wrex!
- [Commander Bailey takes notice and grabs an Assault rifle, Accompanied by a turian guard]
- Urdnot Wrex: It should've been this way back on virmire! But I made the misstake of trusting you - believing you were my friend! I was a fool!
- [Renegade option ignored]
- Urdnot Wrex: I say every human can burn in hell now - and you'll be there to greet them!
- Commander Armando Bailey: [Commander Bailey comes up behind Wrex] Take him down!
- Urdnot Wrex: [Wrex ends up against a window] I know... what you... did... Shepard.
- [Renegade option ignored]
- Commander Armando Bailey: What the hell pissed him off?
- Commander Shepard - Female: [Evil option selected] I don't know. He just went crazy.
- Commander Armando Bailey: Yeah, Krogan can do that. Genophage makes them screwy. Nothing to live for, so they just... snap.
- Commander Armando Bailey: Well, whatever. Just another mess to clean up now.
- Commander Armando Bailey: [Commander Bailey over intercom] All right people, let's get to it!
- Commander Armando Bailey: And let the morgue know we've got another delivery coming. Probably to big for a coffin - might have to space this one.
- [Shepard finds Joker trying to score free drinks at the bar]
- Asari Bartender: I was here when Cerberus attacked, and I don't remember seeing you. I think I caught a glimpse of Commander Shepard fighting over by the elevator bay, though.
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: Well, yeah, Shepard was protecting the Council, but I had my own problems to deal with. You see, I was down by the docking bay near C-Sec headquarters...
- [dream dissolve to the docking bay, with Cerberus troops everywhere]
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: [imitating a Cerberus trooper in a mock-evil voice] Ha-ha! Commander Shepard is chasing the Council! This is our chance!
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: [normal voice] Oh, shit! Cerberus!
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: [evil voice] Ha-ha-ha! It's Joker! He can barely walk! How's he going to stop us? Ha-ha!
- [Joker climbs into an Atlas mech]
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: [in a deep, gritty voice] Like this. It's jokin' time.
- [he obliterates most of the Cerberus troops with ease]
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: [evil voice] Oh, we were fools to underestimate Joker! Oh, no!
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: [gritty voice] Yes. You were.
- [continues killing Cerberus troops]
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: That's right! You just landed on the Island of Doctor Me!
- [dream dissolve back to the present]
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: ...and that's pretty much how it happened. Which is why you should comp my drinks.
- [beat]
- Asari Bartender: No.
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: Aw, come on!
- Asari Bartender: I barely believe what they're saying about Shepard. You? I don't think so.
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: Okay, trying not to be offended there. Look, if Shepard were here -
- [notices Shepard standing behind him]
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: Uh, Shepard. Hi.
- Commander Shepard - Female: [Paragon option] I'm Commander Shepard, and I'll vouch for my pilot. Jeff Moreau is a hero. Everyone in this room owes him their lives, myself included.
- Asari Bartender: [apologetically] I'm so sorry, Commander. I had no idea. Drinks are on me, Lieutenant.
- Jeff 'Joker' Moreau: Uhhh... thanks, Commander.
- Commander Shepard - Female: You can pay me back later.
- [looking at a painting in Shepard's apartment]
- Samara: Hello, Shepard. Zaeed was just keeping me company.
- Zaeed Massani: Hello there.
- Commander Shepard - Female: You're admiring the art?
- Zaeed Massani: Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder, eh, Shepard?
- [to Samara]
- Zaeed Massani: Eh, beautiful?
- Commander Shepard - Female: What do you think, Samara?
- Zaeed Massani: Hang on, hang on. Don't get all snooty on me. I didn't say I didn't like it. I do like it, actually.
- Samara: If I'm completely honest, I'm not sure what it is. I like the way the colors blend, and the depth of the... actually, I have no idea what I'm saying.
- Zaeed Massani: It makes me feel uneasy. Like when you're alone in the dark, lying in wait, and the cold wind brushes across your face like the kiss of death.
- Commander Shepard - Female: Huh.
- Samara: You are a complicated individual, Zaeed Massani.
- Zaeed Massani: You bet your sweet asari arse.