- This story follows a young woman named Charlie, who is savagely beaten during a robbery. Charlie decides that she never wants to be a victim ever again and donates her body and soul to a man that she believes can turn her into the person she seeks to become. The man, Dante, takes her on a physical and mental journey that transforms her forever. Based on actual events.—Anonymous
- Charlie is the average college girl who spends her time in coffee shops with her friends complaining about classwork and wanting to go to the beach. One night after a party, she finds herself alone and attacked in a savage mugging. After days of reclusion, she tracks a man down who she knows holds the power she wants for herself. Charlie makes a deal with Dante; for her unyielding commitment to his program, he will give her power beyond her wildest imagination. He trains Charlie in a form of brutal martial arts while taking her mind to confront and conquer her deepest fears. During her training, she discovers the diary of another young woman, a previous disciple of Dante's who like Charlie wanted power. But the uncertainty of the woman's fate plagues her mind as she completes her training under Dante. Now transformed, Charlie takes on the world with a new perspective and bravery she never had, and in the face of evil, she realizes she has become a terror in her own right.
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