Paul and Lily are sweethearts who have been in love since high school. They married and moved away to live a life free of rules and boundaries. Lily is studying to be a master chef and is doing remarkably well. However Lily learns some disturbing news as she is home practicing for an exam. She learns that her father has passed away. After the funeral and the devastating blow to Lily that she never got to say goodbye to her father, Paul realizes that the separation has taken a violent effect on her. Paul must come to terms with the death of Lily's father as she brings the urn of her father's cremated remains back home. Strange things occur when Paul realizes the lid to the urn has gone missing and strange things have been happening since the lid's disappearance.
The movie is beautifully shot and visually looks like studio quality from this critic's standpoint. Precise angles and cutaway's paint a very pretty but scary picture of what is about to happen. Paul begins to lose his mind and images appear and things slowly get worse over time. Paul's guilt over how Lily is handling her father's death is getting to him and the decent into madness is very clear through the depiction by the director. Acting out these kinds of scenes are always difficult as you are transitioning from one state of mind to another. The fear may seem a bit cliché with these kinds of movies but the chemistry between actors Arron Kinser and Marrisa Pistone leaves you always wondering and feeling a bit disjointed. The actors do well to betray the feelings of the audience and its not your normal cheesy scary flick. The dialog is simple but enough things are going on to emphasize the truth of the matter; Paul's guilt and the realization of what Lily's father's death really means. This movie is a virtual roller-coaster that can not be missed!