A journalist covering the case of a gruesome murder in Scotland, is lured deeper into the story...and a trap. As he happens upon the last remnants of an ancient clan of cannibals.
They were almost wiped out...but one member survived and the clan lived on. It now consists of the elder Sawney, two deformed parkour kids, a midget zombie, a guy named Bill who works as a police detective, and their mother...who will eat literally anyone.
And he must fight for his life, if he wants to survive.
While, entertaining enough...it has some major flaws. Mainly, the timeline surrounding the abduction of his girlfriend, and him happening upon the cannibals...that just did not make sense at all. The cinematography is really amateur too, but the scenery is absolutely gorgeous.
There is lots of gore in this. You could tell they were really going for something like Wolf Creek, but they just didn't quite pull it off. Sawney comes off as mostly humorous...though twisted and ruthless. And, while it does have a creep factor to it...it's not particularly scary.
The scenery really makes this film. The outdoor shots are absolutely stunning. And they make pretty good use of it, having the cannibals living out in the boonies, with an escape/chase scene, and all.
It's not the best movie or anything, but it's entertaining to sit through...though it's no Wolf's Creek.
5 out of 10.