This is one of the most frustrating and poorly executed movies I've ever seen. All the characters are incredibly annoying and lack depth, making it impossible to connect with or care about any of them. The plot feels nonsensical and poorly thought-out, and the story drags on without purpose or direction.
The set design is particularly disappointing-it looks artificial and unconvincing, especially the scenes in the Mexican jail, which are filled with tired stereotypes about Mexico. The depiction of the house is equally over-the-top, with excessive flags and papel picado everywhere, as if that's the only way to represent Mexican culture.
What's even worse is that this is supposed to be a film for kids, yet there's an unnecessary nude scene of a man. It's so out of place and downright stupid, leaving me questioning how it even made it into the final cut.
The acting is so bad, and the dialogue doesn't help-it's cringeworthy and unrealistic. Every aspect of the film, from the annoying characters to the dull and uninspired story, makes it a chore to sit through. I couldn't wait for it to end.