- Roger Ebert [Peter Sobczynski]
- A Good Movie to Watch [Isabella Endrinal]
- All the Anime [Jonathan Clements]
- Animation For Adults [Chris Perkins]
- Animation Italy
- Italian
- brutstatt.de [Frank Schmidke]
- German
- Cagey Films [kgeorge]
- Cinematographe.it [Marco Paiano]
- Italian
- Common Sense Media [Tara McNamara]
- CuatroBastardos.com [Martín Goniondzki] (Spanish - Español)
- der Zweifel [Ettore Arcangeli]
- Italian
- DMovies.org [Jeremy Clarke]
- DoBlu.com Blu-ray [Christopher Zabel]
- Eastern Kicks [George Crosthwait]
- EFilmCritic [Jay Seaver]
- Every Movie Has a Lesson [Don Shanahan]
- Eye For Film [Jane Fae]
- Film-Forward.com [Paul Weissman]
- Film-Rezensionen [Oliver Armknecht]
- German
- filmdienst.de [Stefan Stiletto]
- German
- Filmoria [Sarah Buddery]
- Filmstarts.de [Björn Becher]
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- Filmuforia [Meredith Taylor]
- Flickering Myth [Sam Kitagawa]
- Fluxkompensator [Christoph Müller]
- German
- Focus On Animation [Nicolas Burki]
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- Fresh Fiction [Courtney Howard]
- Hic Sunt Ninjas [Jérémie de Albuquerque]
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- J.B. Spins [Joe Bendel]
- Komm & Sieh [Caroline Lin]
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- Mark Reviews Movies [Mark Dujsik]
- Molodezhnaja
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- Moviebreak.de [Thomas Repenning]
- German
- MyReviewer - Blu-ray [Jitendar Canth]
- onderhond.com [Niels Matthijs]
- Outcast [Andrea Maderna]
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- OutNow.CH [pps]
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- Quinlan.it [Enrico Azzano]
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- Silenzio in Sala [Emanuela Di Matteo]
- Italian
- Slant Magazine [Oleg Ivanov]
- Sofahelden.de [MarS]
- German
- Solzy at the Movies [Danielle Solzman]
- Spielfilm.de [Falk Straub]
- German
- Spirituality & Practice [Frederick and Mary Ann Brussat]
- taz - Die Tageszeitung [Fabian Tietke]
- German
- The Hollywood News [Orestes Adam]
- The Hollywood Reporter [Sheri Linden]
- The Reel Bits [Richard Gray]
- The Upcoming [Chloe Sizer]
- TheWrap [Robert Abele]
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