Go in with no preconceptions, and it's a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours. Is it a great movie? Well, no. But there were definitely some moments where I thought just a nip here, and a tuck there, and it could've been a contender, you know? The script (judging by what I saw on the screen, anyway) could've used a firmer hand. It got so close, but just didn't quite clear the bar. The acting was good. It was nice to see Demi do her thing. I don't think I've seen her in anything in ten years. On an unrelated side note...wow...either she has the most skilled and restrained surgeon/aesthetician on the planet, or this woman just doesn't age! Amazing. And it was nice to see Alec Baldwin doing something other than Trump. I usually feel like he's always just playing himself in every role (which isn't necessarily bad), but I felt a little differently about this one. They both did the best they could with the material, and they had some genuine moments. It was sweet. That was my overall feeling, in fact...the movie was sweet. The music really helped with that, too. Beautiful music! I got something out of it, and I didn't feel like it was a waste of time, so I'm happy.