No objectiveness in this criminal investigation story, was my first thought watching this 6 part story about cloak and daggering of russian elements living in angst and fear for their life for being in oposition to the russian government. It flashes its search light upon 14 suspicious deaths of russian conected individuals, cases that has merely been silenced by the british police and upper governmental spheres, and im surtain we'll never learn the truth of reality here. The evidence and build up of each case is plausibel but... nobody wants to get their hands dirty from dirt...
but as an international affairs and suspectible death of oppositionals of the newborn russian state, the entertainment factor lingers pretty high, allthough you may sense the ''i did'', ''we did'' and '' we saw'' advert of buzzfeed journalism, the grumpy old man can only recommend a view, cause the deaths are real and the world is still cruel and im sure that more will come in the future.the lid hasnt been tightened completely yet...