I haven't played enough of SE5 yet to form a complete opinion on the game.
I'll just say the environments are nice, but what have you done to the controls, Rebellion? SE4's controls were the height of perfection in sniper/commando games. Why did you fiddle with them? Why did you remove things? Why did you add confusing things like the 'temporary weapon' system?
The new controls are not as atrocious as Zombie Army 4's awful layout, but it's like you looked at some abomination like Sniper Ghost Warrior and went "Yeah! Let's get some of that unusable interface stuff going over here!". Tool workbenches? Seriously? Sniper Elite is not that sort of game and was mercifully free of that tiresome mechanic ... until now.
And the other thing it was mercifully free of was diversity tick-boxing. OMG. It's a WW2 simulator, not a fantasy game. Can you kindly remove the african-scottish french resistance fighter (and gawd knows what else you've added that I haven't come across yet - asian-polish wermacht troops, perhaps?)
I'm on Xbox so it will never be fixed. Hopefully some mods will come out for the PC version, particularly now it IS possible to synthesize a character actor's voice down to the inflexion without a bazillion dollars in fees.
I own all the Sniper Elite games and DLC (except for SE 1 but who cares). Really not sure about 5. I'll probably warm to it. I hope so.