This is genuinely nuts. Yoji Kuri is a mad man.
That can be said about all his shorts. Au Fou has one of the more enjoyable concepts of the bunch, though, with most segments here showing something for slightly too long, and then delivering a simple gag. If you think a death is coming, more often than not, something absurd will happen to prevent it, and in some cases, harmless situations lead to ridiculous violence.
It doesn't sound funny if you break it down, but I thought the dark comedy here generally worked. There were a couple of sequences where I wasn't sure at all what the joke was supposed to be, but things move fast enough throughout, so it was hard to get too upset about that (plus it's only 12 minutes). Au Fou perhaps teaches us that life is too short and meaningless to get caught up on such things. One more valuable life lesson: don't lean out a window while daydreaming about risque things.