Rowan Witt, the actor who plays John Cunningham, is actually a vegan. In the scene where he chugs the "dairy" milk from Walt's urn, oat milk had to be used as a replacement. He consumed an estimated 11-12 litres while filming the scene.
All heads of departments took a course in Suicide Prevention training during preproduction of the series.
During co-vid lockdown, Gretel Vella witnessed two suicide attempts in one week, and afterwards began to research guardians and gatekeepers of these common places people visit to take their own lives. This formed the inspiration for the story.
The Brolga was initially written as an Australian brush turkey, a common and widespread bird species in Sydney, but was rewritten as they were too difficult to wrangle.
There was collaboration with various consultants throughout the making of the series, including suicide prevention agencies, psychologists, counsellors, social workers and people with lived experience.