The documentary explained things exactly as it is, yet the truth is deemed biased. Maybe Charlie Kirk called on his many sheep to come here and submit their BS?
Great documentary shedding a ton of light on what happened between this kid and a bunch of hypocrites. During the first 20 minutes, I thought "hey, live and let live." I didn't care what they did behind closed doors. But when it was revealed how twisted their true agenda was and how it impacted literally all of our lives politically, it made me sick. The Amerikan Taliban is thriving thanks to disgusting characters like the Falwells. It explains perfectly how their alleged faith plays third fiddle to power and greed. Their faith actually isn't even on their radar. This goes for all of them, not just the Falwells. They're in it for the money and the power, and nothing else. Gross human beings who will be remembered in history as the charlatans they are. And their supporters will be remembered by their children and grandchildren as nothing more than an embarrassing era in their family histories. We actually deserve this. I guess a society has to dabble in theocracy and fascism before it knows any better. I take comfort in knowing that I'll be able to look my children and grandchildren in the eyes one day and confidently say that I was not one of these idiots.