Notes from the Heart Healer is a light family film that attempts to discuss family ties and relationships between total strangers. It is a small-scaled TV movie that describes the journey of a single mother in a moderate pace and an appropriate tone throughout. The film begins with a dilemma of a single mother whose husband is no longer around, and sets off a journey to ultimate reflection and reconciliation.
Violet is a desperate mother of very young age, sick and has just been terminated from her employment. She comes up with a difficult decision - leaving the infant with someone who can care for him - and it is one that drives the drama into motion. What follows is an intact combination of dramatic elements and a sentimental trip from loss to being found.
Peyton and King, a newly married couple, are given the characters of total strangers, yet they remain also two main backbone characters that move the film forward as they are left with the responsibility of temporarily taking care of the abandoned child. Peyton is also facing her dark past, and is herself in a dilemma no easier to extricate from than Violet.
Violet eventually meets with Peyton, and they together form another intriguing relationship as more is revealed about Violet's family and her husband who is not here to help take care of his own child. It also brings out the husband's father, and ergo it leads to another troubled relationship between him and Violet.
Notes from the Heart Healer is a movie made for TV that is both moving and mind-stimulating, devoid of unrelated silliness or a pace too slow, and, pulls itself together by its meaning and emotional effect despite the lack of top-class acting.