A film adaptation of the book of the same name published by Einaudi, tells the story of Luca a single Catholic man, and homosexual, who in 2017 adopted Alba, a Down's syndrome child left in ... Read allA film adaptation of the book of the same name published by Einaudi, tells the story of Luca a single Catholic man, and homosexual, who in 2017 adopted Alba, a Down's syndrome child left in hospital shortly after being born. Thirty heterosexual families rejected her before the co... Read allA film adaptation of the book of the same name published by Einaudi, tells the story of Luca a single Catholic man, and homosexual, who in 2017 adopted Alba, a Down's syndrome child left in hospital shortly after being born. Thirty heterosexual families rejected her before the court decided to entrust her to him: with him, the legal foster care register for singles wa... Read all