- Aabcena [Impelreport] US English
- Alibi.com [Devin D. O'Leary]
- ATVandCity.com [Kevin Levine]
- BigHorrorGuide - season 1 [Lilith Gold]
- BigHorrorGuide - season 2 [Lilith Gold]
- briankuhl.com [Brian Kuhl] (season 1)
- CineFantastico.com [Sergei]
- Spanish
- CitizenZ - Season 2 [Sven Hammer]
- German
- Common Sense Media [Joyce Slaton]
- Cool Classic Series [Dude The Cleaner]
- DVDFR.com - Saison 1 [Philippe Gautreau]
- French
- DVDFR.com - Saison 2 [Philippe Gautreau]
- French
- Father Son Holy Gore (C.H. Newell)
- film-rezensionen.de (Season 1) [Oliver Armknecht]
- German
- Hollywoodgossip [Lily Smith]
- Infoversant [Maya]
- The Last Exit
- thereviewgeek.com - Season 1 [Greg Wheeler]
- TVSeriesUSA [Rogorn]
- Spanish
- What to Watch
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