Simply , There are TWO Very Basic Reasonable reasOns that help with refuse Sex OUTSUDE marriage :
* First reason (Which is The Most important !!! ) :
An unplanned, Wrong Pregnancy (it may happen EVEN with known Contraceptive precautions !.. , yeeees IT OCCURS ! ) ,,,
so the person becomes " responsible " for the REST of his life about a Child ... a Human being !!! , came to the world !!! , will Live and Grow and Suffer !!!
Yes , responsible the REST of his life ( for a child , a human being !) , before God , before himself , and before others ... ,
( This is in the event that a decision is not made to have an Abortion , which is Worse , because it Kills an innocent person ! , ... Even if aborting a fetus that is only One day old ! , "who knows!" ; abortion in that case can ALSO be considered as Killing a human being ! )
All of these are because of just a passing sexual pleasure !!!
* The Second reason :
Increasing the chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS , and different types of hepatitis viruses and ... etc ,
( OF COURSE no one performs a Medical Examination and Laboratory Tests ! , for his friend before " Every " Sexual Act !!!... )
- BUT WITHIN the framework of Marriage:
First: Even if an unplanned pregnancy occurs, the newborn child is inside a Fortress!, a Strong !; It is the "family" and baby grows safely within it ..., This is why God created the family ...
Second: The possibility of one of the spouses contracting sexually transmitted diseases is small or almost non-existent, given that they know each other well and of course neither of them has sex outside of marriage .
Sorry for length