It was aired out of order on Fox. To watch the show in the correct order (based on the episode list on IMDb) watch: 01,08,06,10,02,03,04,05,09,07,11,12 & 13. Aka 1. Pilot 2. You Are Here 3. Arrhythmia 4. Perception 5. Skin 6. Are you Receiving? 7. The Bends 8. Blood Brothers 9. Unbound 10. Simon Says 11. Distrust 12. Beholder 13. Straw Man
J.J. Abrams personally recommended Karl Urban for the role Kennex from working with him on the Star Trek (2009) series.
Creator J.H. Wyman claimed that he deliberately wanted to create a 'hopeful' interpretation of the future, contrasted with the more dystopian and bleak versions of Isaac Asimov and Philip K. Dick.
The series takes place in 2048.
The basic premise bears a strong resemblance to Future Cop (1976), a short-lived series which aired in 1976-1977. It ran only for 7 episodes.