Don't let some of the reviews fool you. Some of them bring up points like "the storyline is somewhat rushed", but they seem to forget that this is the first part of the first season, so the character and story arcs are not completed yet. The finale is great and leaves on a good note with the villian still intact and new concepts and lore which are introduced.
Although I don't specifically agree with some of the new concepts introduced like new elemental powers, I can get behind it.
I do think the merge is one of the best things to happen to the series mostly because it enriches it, and adds a plethora of ideas for the show. The show has been drying up for some time, and this was very needed.
This series is comedic and funny at times but also emotional when it needs to be and it all comes together for an enjoyable season of Ninjago.
However their are issues, that mostly lie in the pacing which can be slow or fast. Particularly the first half which I found to be a little to slow. It was enjoyable but the first 3 episodes don't really contribute all that much to the overall plot. They're still good introductions to the characters and the new merged world, but I wish it had a little more to do with the overarching plot.
Some of the new characters introduced were great. My favorite new character so far has to be sora. An emotional backstory, filled with betrayals, and her backstory directly contributes to the plot.
Imperium is an amazing villian empire, because we know how it works, what the people think about think about the place, and how they are brainwashed to obey empress beatrix because of their upbringing.
I'm quite impressed with the series considering one of the main writers (Tommy Andreas) has left the series, and it could be hard to fill his gap, but I think kevin Burke and doc Wyatt did great jobs.
Overall this is a very beefy season, that leaves a lot of room for future storylines and seasons, and introduces some good lore and amazing characters, while also not forgetting to leave the ninja behind.